WPA cover and Brexit

01 January 2021

How Brexit affects WPA and you

As a UK based Health Insurance provider, WPA and the policies we offer to our customers will be largely unaffected by the UK's withdrawal from the European Union (EU). However, if you have any queries or concerns regarding Brexit and your WPA policy, then please do get in touch with us. You can find our contact details here.

For more general information on travel to and from the EU, please visit www.gov.uk.

Overseas Emergency Treatment cover

If you have 'Overseas Emergency Treatment', or a similar benefit, on your WPA health cover and are travelling in the EU, eligible emergency medical treatment in private medical facilities will continue to be funded. Where any medical treatment is in an EU State facility (non-private), you are required to use your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or the new Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC)* which will replace your EHIC when it expires. If you don't have an EHIC, you should get a provisional replacement certificate (PRC) before travelling to the EU. For more information on EHIC, PRC and GHIC please visit www.nhs.uk.

WPA will pay for eligible treatment costs that are over and above that included within any reciprocal agreement. We also provide funding for eligible treatment in private medical hospitals and clinics where the EHIC, PRC or GHIC are not valid.

The 'Overseas Emergency Treatment' cover provides benefit for unforeseen treatment that, for medical reasons, cannot be delayed until your return to the UK. To make an emergency claim you must call the WPA Worldwide Coordination Centre: (+44) 20 8680 3800. This 24-hour service offers all major languages and can provide invaluable help and advice on making an emergency claim.

For more details on the 'Overseas Emergency Treatment' cover and to confirm you have this benefit on your Policy/Group Scheme, please refer to your policy documentation. Please note that although this cover provides valuable protection in case of an unforeseen medical emergency, it is not a comprehensive travel insurance policy.

* GHICs only cover you in EU countries. They do not cover you in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.